Read the Blog

The Essential Faith Projects creates tools for healthier churches and Christians, just like you. Our blog helps us accomplish this goal as we post consistent content that helps you live an active faith.

Devotion vs Devotions

Devotion vs Devotions Most Christians have heard the term “devotions” and think of it as something really dedicated Christians observe—usually in the form of getting up early (at least half an hour) and using that time to pray and read scripture. There is nothing wrong with doing this. There is everything wrong with equating this with devotion to Christ. This is particularly important because true discipleship begins with personal devotion to Jesus.’ So, what is that? I have written on this before (not least in…

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We Celebrated The Resurrection. Now What?

Yesterday was Easter. Most Christians marked this day by worshiping with other Christians. We sang, shared in the Lord’s Supper, and probably heard a sermon focused on the resurrection in some way. It is a, if not the, highlight of the Christian year. But now it is over. So, now what? Christians in the US are struggling with the concept of discipleship. Church leaders even struggle to define disciple (I still find most churches have no agreed upon definition of what “discipleship” is). So, it…

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I did it! Didn’t I?

I fixed my printer today. For some of you, that elicits no response—unless it is “so what?”. Others will understand that, for me, this is a seriously major accomplishment. You wonder why I didn’t write, I FIXED MY PRINTER TODAY!!!!. Me! I did that! It is fixed because of what I did! (OK, all I did is go to “Maintenance” and push OK, but I did that!). Never mind that someone built and programmed the printer to self-repair when that button is pushed. I PUSHED…

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Is focusing on Jesus all we need to do?

I have read several blogs and articles recently emphasizing the need to avoid focusing on what we do and instead, focus on who Jesus is and what He has done in discipleship. As I read these, I found myself torn. I know where the authors are coming from–the Church has been plagued by legalism (the belief that we please God and earn His favor by obeying rules) and mechanism (the belief that we please God and earn His favor by doing certain things which produce…

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How will you strengthen your faith in 2024?

We are now in the third week of 2024. By now, most of us who made New Year’s resolutions have already broken them—or just given up on them! To be sure, some have continued and will continue with their resolutions—and depending on what those resolutions are, that’s great. But what resolution does God want us to make and fulfill this year? I have known the Lord over half a century now, and it is my experience that God simply wants us to love Him and…

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Who is Christmas about?

As Christmas approaches it is important for us to pull away from the traditions long enough to focus on what Christmas is, and on what that means to us. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the one we call the Christ—the Messiah—the Anointed One of God. His human name is Jesus. But in America we don’t talk about this often. We like to keep things generic and speak of “the Christmas spirit” as though there is such a thing apart from the Christ.…

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